SSU provides state-of-the-art FACILITY SOLUTIONS including military
training, support, and command & control facilities for elite
special mission units combating terrorism worldwide. SSU ranges and
training facilities are designed to meet the training demands of
elite special mission units in the Middle East region. Training
facilities incorporate state-ofthe-art training aids and monitoring
devices and can be manned with experienced training evaluators.
Similarly, SSU is experienced at establishing expedient range
facilities in remote environments to meet specific training
requirements for each mission. SSU ranges and training facilities
are designed for turn-key operations. Likewise, SSU maintains the
most extensive security professional network in the region and can
provide experienced staff to maintain and upgrade training
facilities through their life cycle.
All SSU ranges and training facilities can be matched with training
programs that integrate leading edge of technology and scenarios to
match emerging threats. SSU provides leading edge communication
technology to field the most advanced and deployable command &
control nodes for any size special mission unit. SSU provides
durable support facility solutions that allow maintenance support
training in conjunction with on-going support operations in all
harsh environments.